What does Yoga Consider to be ‘the Mind?’
When yogis speak about the ‘mind’ they are talking about much more that the brain. The Mind in Yoga is what is sometimes called the 'Body Mind’, references the idea that our memory and trauma is stored within the body, in the form of 'samskaras’ and that our pathway for improving our mental condition is to harmonise the chitta and release any trauma that is stored as varsanas & cause vrittis.
Based on the teachings of Samkyha philosophy this model underpins the methodology of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra & is considered essential knowledge for yoga teachers & aspirants.
The system refers to the Descent (Pravtitti) of individual consciousness into the manifest universe, and the method of enlightenment through transcendence of individuality, the return to Universal Consciousness (Nivritti).
Yogis have been referencing and utilising this system for millennia, and in modern times Western science has begun to verify and elaborate upon this presentation in more detail.
Buddhi Mind: The awakened / higher mind, responsible for higher thinking, discrimination & discernment.
Ahamkara: Our sense of ‘I-ness’ similar but not the same as ego in Western Psychology.
Manas: Our ‘acting mind’ controlling the function of activity through our organs of action ‘karma-indriyas’ our basic instincts, receiving data inputs from sense organs ‘gyan-indriyas’
Chitta: The storehouse of personal memory, the database or the hard drive of the individual mind.
Chidda: The universal memory, the collective unconscious.
Gyan Indriya: The sense receptors, responsible for receiving data inputs;
Tongue -Taste
Eye - Sight
Ear - Hearing
Skin - Touch
Karma Indriya: The organs of action, responsible for creating new karmas.
Mouth > Speech
Hands > Grasp, touch, hit or hold.
Feet > Movement, walk or run
Anus / Rectum > Excretion
Sex Organs > Pleasure or procreation
Samskara: A sense impression, ever time that our gyan indriyas record a sense impression it will leave an imprint of the chitta - these sensory imprints or memories are called samskaras.
Varsana: A collection of similar samkaras. Having repeated experiences of a similar nature will grooves in the chitta, causing our responses to similar situations to become pre-conditioned. Varsanas can be looked at like grooves on a record, a collection of dots.
Vritti: A modification or disturbance of the mind that is caused by Samsara’s & Varsanas.