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Meditation & Breathwork Teacher Training - 120 Hr Online

Meditation with Purpose

This 120hr Meditation Teacher Training Pathway is a stellar experience for anyone seeking to dive deeper into the wisdom of meditation and the yoga tradition. Offered fully online for the first time, enabling flexible delivery to suit different schedules.

This course is ideal for anyone seeking a deeper insight into to scope and potential of breathwork & meditation, seeking to enhance existing skills, to become a teacher or to just enrich their own learning. This could include existing yoga teachers, school teachers, therapists or any aspirant wishing to explore the deeper possibilities of meditation practice.

This course will empower you with a potent systems of breath practices & meditation techniques and a clear understanding of the context of pranayama & meditation within the yoga tradition, how pranayama & meditation works and how these magnificent tools can be used to support your own own mental wellbeing and to help others.

We will explore the system of yogic meditation from a practical & theoretically perspective. Studying the Yoga Sutras and a clearly defined system of breath practices & meditation techniques, you will learn vital skills and wisdom that will enhance your teaching skills and enrich your own life.

Watch a few testimonials from some of our stellar graduates of this course… 🌟

Course Contents

Techniques and Practices
- Learn a Powerful set of techniques of Self Care and Personal Enquiry.

  • Yoga Nidra - Yogic Sleep aka Sleep of the Gods 😴
    - The art of deep surrender, a profound practice of relaxation and restoration. Learn to practice and teach this sublime and powerful practice.

  • Meditation - learn a system of meditation techniques that cultivates self knowledge and inner calm. 🧘

  • Body Stillness / Kaya Sthairyam 🧘🏽‍♀️
    - Steady Body, Steady Mind, a meditation practice for establish a steady posture in the physical body, often used as a preliminary practice for other meditation techniques.

  • Prayayama & The Art of Breath 🌬️
    - Pranayama is the gateway to meditation, we explore a series of Breathwork techniques, learning how to stage and sequence breathwork to cultivate specific effects within the body. Learn breathwork techniques to create calm and balance or to activate and energise the body and mind.

  • Mantra / Japa 📿
    - A steady mind opens to bliss, mantra practice is designed to steady and balance a busy mind, cultivating calm within the entire being.

  • Mindfulness / Antar Mouna 😌
    - Bring quietude to busy minds. Cultivate the witness consciousness, the ability to observe our throughts in a non-reactive away. Explore the motives & patterns that drive us.

You will explore each of these powerful yogic meditation techniques and learn how & when to use them effectively. We will experience the effects of these practices when performed individually and when joined together as a system. Along with the philosophical and theoretical knowledge you will become the custodian of a potent framework and toolkit for developing self knowledge and mastery of your own mind.

Philosophy & Theory
~ Examine the History, Science, Philosophy, Mechanism & Framework of Meditation

  • The History of Meditation in the Yoga Tradition

  • The Patanjali Yoga Sutras as a Guidebook for Meditation

  • Yogic Psychology & the vital philosophy of Samkhya as a system for understanding and improving our human potential.

  • Koshas & Tattwas - The dimensions and elements of matter. Refining Awareness from the Gross towards the Subtle Experience.

  • The Philosophy & Framework of Yogic Meditation - how & why meditation works.

  • The Modern Science supporting Breathwork & Meditation - explore neuroscience, behavioural psychology and the magic of poly-vagal nerve theory as we come to understand the vibrant field of research and understanding that supports meditation as a means to support wholistic wellbeing.

  • Contemporary Landscape of Breathwork & Meditation- how Yogic Meditation fits into the landscape of meditations tools and systems popular within the modern world. We will examine popular techniques such as Transcendental Meditation (TM) , Vedic Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, iRest Yoga Nidra, Vipassana and Buddhist Meditation, and learn how Yogic Meditation defines and relates to these popular techniques.

  • Meditation in a Therapeutic & Clinical setting. Working alongside medical professionals, integrating meditation in a Functional Medicine setting, exploring Scope of Practice & Duty of Care.

  • Application of Yoga Nidra, Breathwork & Meditation to support specific mental conditions and health needs. Such as anxiety, depression, cardio vascular disease, asthma, pre & post natal.

Teaching Skills
- Learn Skills & Techniques to enhance your capacity and presence as a teacher.

  • Staging Practices - how to stage the guidance of meditation practices to make them suitable and relevant for all students and stages of development.

  • Eloquence & Elocution - Skills and techniques to refine your ability to create and deliver clear & effective meditation practices.

  • Scope of Practice & Duty of Care - guidance for helping your students manage their inner journey of self knowledge & meditation.

  • Practice Teaching & Mentorship - be supported & guided by experienced meditation teachers.

The weekly timetable is as follows;

  • 3hrs of theory content each week - released each Wednesday and available on demand. (Must be reviewed before Sunday session) 

  • 2hr group practice, Group practice Q&A and discussion each Sunday 8-10am AEST / Alternative Q&A Monday 4-6pm.

  • Group practice, student teaching practice sessions, multiple each week, depending on the number of peeps attending and their time zones, there will be multiple times available over the course of the week, mornings, afternoons and evenings. You need to attend at least 1 per week, but can attend more if possible :)

  • Personal practice 4-5hrs over the course of the week - can be done at any time of your choosing.

  • Runs over 10 weeks 30 Apr till 3 July

Important Notes

1. Weeks 2-9 require personal practice of about 1hr for minimum 4 days per week

2. Assessment includes weekly quizzes, 3 written assignments (in total) plus practice teaching.

2. Time commitment including tutorials will be approximately 12hrs per week. Please consider your ability to fulfil this requirement before committing to this course.

Cost: Level 1&2 $1850 full price / $1750 early bird (before 1 April) / $1650 super earlybird (before 30 March)
$350 Deposit holds your place.

Level 2 (previous graduates from Level 1 ): $950

Professional Recognition

The Yogic Meditation 120hr TTC is Meditation Australia Registered Training Course & after completion of the full program & personal practice requirements students will be eligible for registration as full members with Meditation Australia.


About the Teachers

Mark Purser is the founder of the Bamboo Yoga School and is a clinical meditation teacher at The Health Lodge in Byron Bay. He has studied yoga & meditation widely for over 20 years, & has over 2000 hour of formal training including a Diploma of Yogic Studies through the Satyananda Yoga Academy / Bihar School of Yoga & is a registered teacher with Meditation Australia.

As a teacher he seeks to guide yoga students and teachers with the traditional practices of yoga nidra and meditation. Empowering modern yogis with the potential of these practices - making them relevant and popular as a system of wellbeing & self discovery.


Dr Stina Wanqvist is an osteopath and yoga teacher with a passion for breath. Having trained & taught extensively as a yoga teacher she completed her Masters is Osteopathic Medicine in order to better understand the human body in order to better support her students along the journey to better health. Stina will be guiding a number of yoga practices and offers lectures in the anatomy of respiration.


Simon Dubois is a well known and respected psychologist in the North Rivers, as well as a Director of The Health Lodge Integrated Medical Centre. Simon has a deep passion for supporting his patients to find a natural approach to mental well health and often works alongside with meditation & breath work practitioners to support this journey. Simon will be offering lectures in Vagal Nerve & Attachment theory, as well as giving general support and advice for new teachers seeking to offer their services in collaborative care arrangements.

Dr Oscar Serrallach is dedicated to remaining at the cutting edge of wellness healthcare. This commitment led him to study and practice functional medicine, whilst at the same time, addressing the multi-faceted aspects of health and well-being. Dr Serralach advocates for yoga nidra as a favoured modality for treating post-natal depletion and is an avid practitioner of meditation and yoga nidra to support his own wellbeing.